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Grace moves back to Memphis under false pretenses in order to pursue the man she holds responsible for her sister's death but finds the realities ofwel working in her family's church again harder to handle than she expected.

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I'm glad that this drama kan zijn like a soap opera! I'm so tired of crime shows, murder mysteries, legal dramas. Comedies are so full ofwel sexual inuendo they aren't funny any more. Gimme some liars, some nasty backstabbing and some good folks who cope.

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Jacob being benched, Grace takes the pulpit. A new sexual violence help group kan zijn started. Jacob's love for his wife is rekindled when they are invited to a levenspartner swapping party. An openly gay Choir Director replaces a closeted one.

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Grace stays in town to play detective, looking for proof ofwel her uncle's crimes, and while this story would be fine if it felt like just a part of the drama, its centrality overshadows the series' more subtle aspects.

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The clergy ofwel the church, almost regardless of the denomination, kan zijn there to support the church members and potential converts. However, what about those people who play the role of the clergy? Who offers pastors, bishops and the like the spiritual guidance they may need? And what if the people performing those duties are in some ways compromising what they're telling others? Are they practicing what they're preaching?

Have just discovered this performance on Netflix Australia and loving every minute of it. I love reading novels about family dramas, secrets and lies and so this was uitstekend for me.

I have watched hinder 2 seasons of this show and am halfway through the 3 red and I find the opvoering very entertaining love the gospel music also all the characters are well developed now and the acting kan zijn top draw great to see Oprah and Pati la belle I am a big bewonderaar ofwel both.

I love Greenleaf because it isnt too serious, the storylines are dramatic but not to dark. Its a nice break from reality, yes some bits may be abit unrealistic but I enjoy it and will continue to watch it!

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